Man doing a compound lift

Compound Lifts

Posted by Chris Manus on

If you’re looking to maximize your time in the gym, then compound lifts are a great way to do it. These exercises involve multiple muscles being used at once and can be done with free weights or machines. Compound lifts will help you build up strength and endurance quickly, plus they’ll make those ‘lists of exercises for one muscle group’ obsolete. With this ultimate guide on compound lifting techniques, we'll explain why these movements have become so popular among bodybuilders, powerlifters, and gym-goers alike—and give you step-by-step instructions for adding them to your fitness routine. So get ready for bigger gains and faster progress toward reaching your goals when you incorporate compound lifts into your workout.

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What are Compound Lifts and Why Are They Important?

Compound lifts are key muscle-building exercises you should include in your workout routine. They involve two or more muscle groups working together at the same time, which makes them a great way to build muscle while also getting a terrific cardiovascular workout. As you move through compound movements, your entire body is recruited and challenged, allowing you to get stronger, gain muscle power quicker, and burn more calories faster in less time compared to an isolation exercise routine. Not only that but training multiple muscle groups also helps raise your testosterone levels which can enhance fat loss since it allows more muscle energy to be used for complex tasks like running instead of storing as fat. In other words, compound lifts are the perfect combination of muscle-building and calorie-burning.

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How to Get Started With Compound Lifts 


 woman doing leg press exercise

Starting off with compound lifts is an integral step if you're planning on muscle-building. It's important to understand basic bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, pull-ups, and push-ups before attempting more complex techniques and you must be aware of proper form. Make sure to do some light stretching so that muscle fibers can respond well during a workout session. Take it slow, don't go straight into the lift with a heavy weight as your muscles could become strained or injured. Design a uniquely tailored muscle-building program that focuses on muscle strength, development, and maintenance rather than muscle size which will increase the chances of achieving quicker results in the long run. Have fun with the exercises; prime yourself mentally and find a training partner who will help you stay motivated. Once you become comfortable with the movement patterns, then gradually increase resistance by adding weight to illustrate stronger gains.

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The Three Main Types of Compound Lifts

 woman doing a compound lift in a gym

Compound lifts are exercises that involve multiple muscle groups and joints, making them some of the most efficient forms of exercise. Let’s take a look at the three main types of compound lifts: squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. 


Squats are one of the most popular compound lifts because they target your lower body muscles like your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. They also work your core muscles for stability during the movement. To do a squat properly, stand with your feet hip-width apart and slowly lower yourself into a sitting position by bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Push through your heels as you stand back up to complete one rep. 


Deadlifts target the same muscles as squats but from a different angle. This exercise works all of your posterior chain muscles—your hamstrings, glutes, lats, and traps—as well as your core muscles for stability. To perform a deadlift correctly, stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and hold onto a barbell or dumbbells in front of you with an overhand grip (palms facing down). Keeping your back straight and arms extended in front of you at shoulder height throughout the movement; bend at the hips while keeping the weight close to your body as you lower it towards the floor until it reaches mid-shin level or just below knee height (whichever is comfortable). As you come back up to a standing position squeeze your glutes at the top for extra power.

Bench Presses Exercises 

Bench press exercises work both upper-body pushing muscles—chest, triceps—as well as stabilizing muscles in shoulders/upper back for balance during each rep. To perform this lift correctly lie flat on a bench press machine with feet planted firmly on the floor on either side of the bench seat (if possible). Grab handles with palms facing away from body (overhand grip) then press arms outwards in an even motion until arms reach full extension above chest before returning to starting position for one rep.

Benefits of Incorporating Compound Lifts Into Your Workout Routine  

Incorporating compound lifts into your workout routine is a great muscle-building strategy that can benefit both beginners and advanced athletes alike. Compound movements, such as squats, presses, and rows, involve several muscle groups at once and help to engage your stabilizing muscle fibers while progressively increasing strength. This engages more muscle fibers than lone-joint exercises like curls or triceps extensions. The result? Increased muscle growth, increased activating muscle fiber recruitment, and improved stabilization—all leading to better muscle-building results!

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Using Compound Lifts

Through proper form and understanding of your body, compound lifts can dramatically improve your strength and muscle development. When performing compound lifts, proper safety is essential in order to prevent any injuries. Remember to seek guidance from a trained personal trainer if you’re unsure of any exercises or techniques. After mastering the basics of compound lifts, give yourself time to experiment by adding resistance bands and adjusting the number of reps. Start light and remember that good technique always prevails over increased weight, as it does not guarantee success. Most importantly, have fun! Compound lifting will help reduce stress on the body and leave you feeling stronger with every workout. Now comes the importance of supplementation – visit our website to see how our gummies can help with energy, sleep & stress, making sure you stay strong while exploring your newfound training routine.

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